Example: 23415 = MCC 234 (United Kingdom), MNC 15 (Vodafone)
The following table gives a list of common PLMN mobile network codes, and the network to which they relate.
Country | PLMN | Operator / Network Name |
Afghanistan | 41240 | Areba |
Afghanistan | 41250 | Etislat |
Afghanistan | 41220 | Roshan |
Afghanistan | 41201 | Telephone Systems International (AWCC) |
Albania | 27601 | AMC Mobile |
Albania | 27603 | Eagle Mobile |
Albania | 27602 | Vodafone |
Algeria | 60301 | ATM Mobilis |
Algeria | 60302 | Orascom Telecom Algerie Spa (Djezzy) |
Algeria | 60303 | Wataniya Telecom (Nedjma) |
Andorra | 21303 | Mobiland (S.T.A.) |
Angola | 63102 | Unitel |
Anguilla | 365840 | Cable & Wireless |
Anguilla | 365850 | Wireless Ventures Ltd (Digicel Anguilla) |
Antigua and Barbuda | 34430 | APUA |
Argentina | 722310 | AMX Argentina (Claro) |
Argentina | 722320 | AMX Argentina (Claro) |
Argentina | 722330 | AMX Argentina (Claro) |
Argentina | 722340 | Personal GSM 1900 |
Argentina | 72270 | Telefonica Movistar |
Armenia | 28301 | ArmenTel |
Armenia | 28305 | Vivacell(K Telecom) |
Aruba | 36320 | New Millenium Telecom Services N.V. |
Aruba | 36301 | SETAR (Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba) |
Australia | 50506 | Hutchison 3G |
Australia | 50502 | Optus |
Australia | 50501 | Telstra |
Australia | 50503 | Vodafone |
Austria | 23205 | Connect (One) |
Austria | 23210 | Hutchison 3G |
Austria | 23203 | Max Mobile (T-Mobile) |
Austria | 23201 | Mobilkom A1 |
Austria | 23211 | Mobilkom A1 |
Austria | 23209 | Mobilkom A1 |
Austria | 23209 | Tele2 |
Austria | 23207 | Telering |
Azerbaijan | 40001 | Azercell |
Azerbaijan | 40004 | Azerfon |
Azerbaijan | 40002 | Bakcell |
Bahamas | 364390 | Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd |
Bahrain | 42601 | Batelco |
Bahrain | 42602 | MTC Vodafone (Bahrain) B.S.C. |
Bangladesh | 47001 | GrameenPhone |
Bangladesh | 47003 | Sheba Telecom (Banglalink) |
Bangladesh | 47002 | TM International (AKTEL) |
Bangladesh | 47007 | Warid Telecom |
Barbados | 342600 | Cable & Wireless |
Belarus | 25704 | Belarusian Telecommunications Network CJSC |
Belarus | 25701 | Mobile Digital Communications (VELCOM) |
Belarus | 25702 | Mobile Telesystems |
Belgium | 20601 | Belgacom Mobile (Proximus) |
Belgium | 20620 | KPN Orange (BASE) |
Belgium | 20610 | Mobistar |
Belize | 70267 | Belize Telecommunications Ltd. |
Benin | 61601 | Libercom |
Benin | 61603 | Spacetel-Benin (BeninCell) |
Bermuda | 35002 | Mobility |
Bermuda | 35001 | Telecom Bermuda |
Bolivia | 73602 | ENTEL Movil |
Bolivia | 73601 | Nuevatel PCS De Bolivia S.A. |
Bolivia | 73630 | Telefonica Celular De Bolivia S.A. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 21890 | BH Telecom (PTT BiH, GSMBIH) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 21803 | ERONET |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 21805 | Mobilna Srpske, m:tel |
Botswana | 65201 | Mascom Wireless (Pty) Ltd. |
Botswana | 65202 | Vista Cellular (Orange) |
Brazil | 72424 | Amazonia Celular |
Brazil | 72416 | Brazil Telecom |
Brazil | 72405 | Claro |
Brazil | 72402 | TIM |
Brazil | 72403 | TIM |
Brazil | 72404 | TIM |
Brazil | 72408 | TIM |
Brazil | 72431 | TNL PCS (Oi) |
Brazil | 72406 | VIVO |
Brazil | 72410 | VIVO |
Brazil | 72411 | VIVO |
Brazil | 72423 | VIVO |
British Virgin Islands | 348170 | Cable and Wireless |
Brunei Darussalam | 52802 | B-Mobile |
Brunei Darussalam | 52811 | DST |
Bulgaria | 28405 | Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD (GloBul) |
Bulgaria | 28401 | Mobiltel |
Bulgaria | 28406 | Vivatel |
Burkina Faso | 61303 | Telecel |
Burkina Faso | 61301 | Telemob SA (Onatel) |
Burundi | 64203 | Telecel |
Cambodia | 45601 | CamGSM (MobiTel) |
Cambodia | 45618 | Camshin (Shinawatra) DCS 1800 |
Cambodia | 45602 | Casacom (Samart) GSM 900 |
Cambodia | 456456 | Smart mobile (Latelz) |
Cambodia | 45609 | Sotelco Ltd. (Beeline-KH) |
Cambodia | 45608 | Viatel Metfone |
Cameroon | 62401 | MTN Cameroon Ltd |
Cameroon | 62402 | Orange Cameroun S.A. |
Canada | 302064 | Bell Mobility - Rogers Wireless CDMA |
Canada | 302610 | Bell Mobility - Rogers Wireless CDMA |
Canada | 302370 | Microcell |
Canada | 302720 | Rogers Wireless Inc |
Canada | 302220 | Telus |
Canada | 302302 | Telus Mobility |
Canada | 302360 | Telus Mobility |
Canada | 302653 | Telus Mobility |
Cape Verde | 62501 | CV Movel |
Cape Verde | 62502 | T+ Telecom |
Cayman Islands | 346140 | Cable & Wireless |
Cayman Islands | 34650 | Digicel Cayman Ltd |
Chad | 62201 | Celtel |
Chad | 62203 | TIGO - Millicom |
Chile | 73003 | Claro Chile |
Chile | 73001 | ENTEL PCS Telecomunicaciones |
Chile | 73010 | Entel Telefonia Movil |
Chile | 73002 | Telefonica Movil de Chile |
China | 46000 | China Mobile |
China | 46002 | China Mobile |
China | 46001 | China Unicom |
Colombia | 732103 | Movil SA (Tigo) |
Colombia | 732111 | Movil SA (Tigo) |
Colombia | 732123 | Telefonica Moviles Colombia S.A. (Movistar) |
Comoros | 65401 | Comores Telecom |
Congo DR of the | 63002 | Celtel |
Congo DR of the | 63089 | SAIT Telecom |
Congo Republic of the | 62910 | Libertis Telecom - GSM 900 |
Congo Republic of the | 62901 | Zain Congo - GSM 900 |
Cook Islands | 54801 | Telecom Cook Islands |
Costa Rica | 71201 | I.C.E. - GSM |
Costa Rica | 71202 | I.C.E. - GSM |
Costa Rica | 71209 | I.C.E. - GSM |
Croatia | 21902 | Tele2 |
Croatia | 21901 | T-mobile |
Croatia | 21910 | Vipnet |
Cuba | 36801 | ETECSA (C-Com) |
Cyprus | 28010 | Areeba (Scancom) |
Cyprus | 28001 | CYTA (Vodafone) |
Czech Republic | 23002 | O2 (Eurotel) |
Czech Republic | 23001 | T-Mobile (Radio Mobil) |
Czech Republic | 23003 | Vodafone (Oscar, Cesky Mobil) |
Denmark | 23806 | Hi3G |
Denmark | 23802 | Sonofon |
Denmark | 23877 | Tele2 |
Denmark | 23801 | Tele Denmark (TDC A/S) |
Denmark | 23820 | Telia (Orange) |
Djibouti | 63801 | Djibouti Telecom |
Dominica | 366110 | Cable & Wireless |
Dominican Republic | 37001 | Orange (FTD) |
Ecuador | 74001 | Conecel (Porta) |
Ecuador | 74000 | Movistar (Otecel) |
Egypt | 60203 | Etisalat |
Egypt | 60202 | Misfrone (Vodafone Egypt) |
Egypt | 60201 | MobilNil |
El Salvador | 70601 | CTE Telecom Personal SA de CV |
El Salvador | 70602 | DIGICEL, S.A. de C.V. |
El Salvador | 70604 | Telefonica Moviles, S.A. de C.V |
El Salvador | 70603 | Telemovil EL Salvador S.A |
Equatorial Guinea | 62701 | GETESA |
Estonia | 24801 | AS EMT |
Estonia | 24802 | Elisa Esti |
Estonia | 24803 | Tele2 Eesti |
Ethiopia | 63601 | Ethiopian Telecommunications |
Faroe Islands | 28801 | Faroese Telecom |
Faroe Islands | 28802 | Kall |
Fiji | 54202 | Digicel |
Fiji | 54201 | Vodafone |
Finland | 24414 | Alands Mobiltelefon AB |
Finland | 24403 | DNA Finland Ltd |
Finland | 24412 | DNA Finland Ltd |
Finland | 24409 | DNA Finland Ltd |
Finland | 24401 | Elisa Corporation-GSM 900/1800 Finland |
Finland | 24405 | Elisa Corporation-GSM 900/1800 Finland |
Finland | 24421 | Elisa Corporation-GSM 900/1800 Finland |
Finland | 24491 | TeliaSonera |
France | 20820 | Bouygues Telecom |
France | 20821 | Bouygues Telecom |
France | 20888 | Bouygues Telecom |
France | 20800 | Orange France |
France | 20801 | Orange France |
France | 20802 | Orange France |
France | 20810 | SFR |
France | 20811 | SFR |
France | 20813 | SFR |
French Guiana | 74201 | Orange |
French Polynesia | 54720 | Vini (Tikiphone) |
French West Indies | 34020 | Digicel |
French West Indies | 34001 | Orange Caraibe Mobiles |
French West Indies | 34002 | Outremer Telecom |
Gabonese Republic | 62803 | Celtel |
Gabonese Republic | 62801 | Libertis |
Gabonese Republic | 62802 | TELECEL |
Gambia | 60701 | Gamcel |
Gambia | 60702 | Telecom Cellular (Africell) |
Georgia | 28201 | Geocell Ltd |
Georgia | 28202 | Magti Com |
Germany | 262110 | D1 (T-Mobile) |
Germany | 26202 | D2 (Vodafone) |
Germany | 26204 | D2 (Vodafone) |
Germany | 26209 | D2 (Vodafone) |
Germany | 26203 | E-plus |
Germany | 26205 | E-plus |
Germany | 26277 | E-plus |
Germany | 26207 | O2 (Viag Interkom) |
Germany | 26208 | O2 (Viag Interkom) |
Germany | 26211 | O2 (Viag Interkom) |
Ghana | 62002 | Ghana Telecom Mobile |
Ghana | 62003 | Millicom (Tigo, Mobitel, Buzz) |
Ghana | 62001 | ScanCom Ltd (MTN) |
Ghana | 62006 | Zain Communications Limited |
Gibraltar | 26601 | Gibtel |
Greece | 20201 | Cosmote |
Greece | 20209 | Info Quest S.A. (Q-TELECOM) |
Greece | 20205 | Vodafone (Panafone) |
Greece | 20210 | WIND Hellas(STET,TIM) |
Greenland | 29001 | Tele Greenland A/S |
Grenada | 352110 | Cable & Wireless |
Grenada | 35230 | Digicel |
Guam | 310140 | Guam Tele Authority (GTA) |
Guatemala | 70402 | Comcel |
Guatemala | 70403 | Telefonica Moviles Guatemala, S.A (Telefonica) |
Guyana | 73801 | Digicel Guyana |
Guyana | 73802 | Telephone&Telegraph Co. |
Haiti | 37250 | Unigestion Holding S.A. (Digicel) |
Honduras | 70801 | Claro |
Honduras | 70802 | Telefonica Celular S.A (CELTEL) |
Hong Kong | 45400 | Hong Kong CSL Ltd (Pacific Link) |
Hong Kong | 45402 | Hong Kong CSL Ltd (Pacific Link) |
Hong Kong | 45418 | Hong Kong CSL Ltd (Pacific Link) |
Hong Kong | 45403 | Hutchison 3G |
Hong Kong | 45401 | Hutchison Telephone Co. Ltd (Orange) |
Hong Kong | 45404 | Hutchison Telephone Co. Ltd (Orange) |
Hong Kong | 45414 | Hutchison Telephone Co. Ltd (Orange) |
Hong Kong | 45416 | Mandarin Communications Ltd (Sunday) |
Hong Kong | 45410 | New World Pcs |
Hong Kong | 45412 | Peoples TC (PCCWHKTC) |
Hong Kong | 45406 | SmarTone Mobile Communications Ltd |
Hong Kong | 45415 | SmarTone Mobile Communications Ltd |
Hong Kong | 45417 | SmarTone Mobile Communications Ltd |
Hungary | 21601 | Pannon |
Hungary | 21630 | T-Mobile (Westel) |
Hungary | 21670 | Vodafone |
Iceland | 27401 | Iceland Telecom Ltd (Landssiminn) |
Iceland | 27402 | Islandssimi (Vodafone) |
Iceland | 27411 | Nova |
Iceland | 27406 | Null niu ehf |
India | 40467 | Reliance Telecom |
Indonesia | 51089 | Hutchison CP Telecommunications |
Indonesia | 51021 | Indosat M3 (merged with Satelindo) |
Indonesia | 51011 | PT. Excelcomindo (Excelcom) |
Indonesia | 51008 | PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler (Axis) |
Indonesia | 51010 | PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) |
Indonesia | 51001 | Satelindo(PT Indosat) |
Iran | 43235 | Irancell |
Iran | 43214 | KFZO (TKC) |
Iran | 43211 | MCI/TCI |
Iran | 43232 | Taliya |
Iraq | 41805 | AsiaCell |
Iraq | 41820 | Atheer Telecom |
Iraq | 41862 | Itisaluna |
Iraq | 41840 | KorekTel |
Iraq | 41830 | Orascom Telecom Iraq Corporation (IRAQNA) |
Ireland | 27201 | Eircell (Vodafone) |
Ireland | 27202 | Esat Digifone (O2) |
Ireland | 27205 | Hutchison 3G |
Ireland | 27203 | Meteor |
Israel | 42502 | Cellcom |
Israel | 42577 | Mirs Communications Ltd |
Israel | 42501 | Partner Orange |
Israel | 42503 | Pelephone Communications |
Italy | 22299 | Hutchison 3G |
Italy | 22201 | Telecom Italia Mobile |
Italy | 22210 | Vodafone Omnitel |
Italy | 22288 | WIND |
Ivory Coast | 61202 | A-Cell |
Ivory Coast | 61204 | Comium |
Ivory Coast | 61205 | Loteny Telecom (MTN) |
Ivory Coast | 61203 | Orange (SIM Ivoiris) |
Jamaica | 33820 | Cable & Wireless Jamaice |
Jamaica | 33850 | Mossel (Digicel) |
Japan | 44020 | J-Phone (Vodafone) |
Japan | 44001 | NTT DoCoMo |
Japan | 44010 | NTT DoCoMo |
Japan | 44009 | NTT DoCoMo |
Jordan | 41601 | Fastlink(JMTS Zain) |
Jordan | 41677 | Mobil Com(Orange) |
Jordan | 41603 | UMC (Umniah) |
Jordan | 41602 | Xpress |
Kazakhstan | 40101 | Beeline (Kar-Tel Ltd) |
Kazakhstan | 40102 | K-Cell |
Kazakhstan | 40177 | Mobile Telecom Service LLP |
Kenya | 63905 | Econet Wireless Kenya Limited |
Kenya | 63907 | Orange |
Kenya | 63902 | Safaricom |
Kenya | 63903 | Zain (Celtel Kenya) |
Kuwait | 41902 | Mobile Telecommunications Co. (MTCNet) |
Kuwait | 41904 | Viva |
Kuwait | 41903 | Wataniya |
Kyrgyzstan | 43705 | BiMoCom (Megacom) |
Kyrgyzstan | 43701 | Sky Mobile (Bitel) |
Laos | 45703 | Asia Telecommunication (LAT) |
Laos | 45702 | ETL |
Laos | 45708 | Milicom (Tango) |
Latvia | 24705 | Bite GSM |
Latvia | 24701 | Latvian Mobile Telephone |
Latvia | 24702 | Tele2 (Baltcom GSM) |
Lebanon | 41501 | FTML (Alfa) |
Lebanon | 41503 | MTC Touch (LibanCell) |
Lesotho | 65102 | Econet |
Lesotho | 65101 | Vodacom Lesotho |
Liberia | 61807 | Celcom |
Liberia | 61804 | Comium Liberia Inc |
Liberia | 61801 | Lonestar Communications Corp. |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 60601 | El Madar Telephone |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 60600 | Libyana |
Liechtenstein | 29505 | Mobilkom (Liechtenstein) AG (FL1) |
Liechtenstein | 29577 | Tele2 AG (Tango) |
Liechtenstein | 29501 | Telecom FL (Swisscom) |
Lithuania | 24602 | Bite GSM UAB |
Lithuania | 24601 | Omnitel |
Lithuania | 24603 | Tele2 UAB |
Luxembourg | 27001 | P & T |
Luxembourg | 27077 | Tango |
Luxembourg | 27099 | VOXmobile |
Macau | 45501 | C.T.M. (TELEMOVEL+ GSM900-Macau) |
Macau | 45503 | Hutchison Telephone Macau |
Macau | 45500 | SmarTone Mobile Communications |
Macedonia | 29402 | Cosmofon |
Macedonia | 29401 | T-Mobile (MobiMak) |
Madagascar | 64601 | Madacom (Celtel, Intercel) |
Madagascar | 64602 | Orange |
Madagascar | 64604 | Telma Mobile |
Malawi | 65010 | CelTel Ltd |
Malawi | 65001 | Telekom Network Ltd (TNM) |
Malaysia | 50219 | Celcom |
Malaysia | 50216 | Digi |
Malaysia | 50212 | Maxis |
Malaysia | 50218 | U-Mobile |
Maldives | 47201 | Dhiraagu |
Maldives | 47202 | Wataniya Telecom |
Mali | 61001 | Malitel |
Mali | 61002 | Orange (Ikatel) |
Malta | 27877 | Melita Mobile Ltd. (3 G Telecoms Malta) |
Malta | 27821 | Mobile Communications Ltd (Go mobile) |
Malta | 27801 | Vodafone Malta |
Mauritania | 60901 | Mattel |
Mauritania | 60910 | Mauritel Mobiles |
Mauritius | 61701 | Cellplus |
Mauritius | 61710 | Emtel |
Mayotte and Reunion | 64700 | Orange (France Telecom) |
Mayotte and Reunion | 64702 | Outremer Telecom |
Mayotte and Reunion | 64710 | SFR |
Mexico | 33403 | Movistar Pegaso |
Mexico | 33402 | Telcel (Radiomovil) |
Moldova | 25904 | Eventis Mobile S.R.L. |
Moldova | 25902 | Moldcell |
Moldova | 25901 | Voxtel |
Monaco | 21201 | Monaco Telecom |
Mongolia | 42899 | MobiCom Corporation |
Montenegro | 29704 | MONET |
Montenegro | 29703 | MTel |
Montenegro | 29702 | Promonte |
Morocco | 60401 | Maroc Telecom (Itissalat Al-Maghrib) |
Morocco | 60400 | Medi-Telecom |
Mozambique | 64301 | mCel (TDM) |
Mozambique | 64304 | Vodacom |
Namibia | 64901 | MTC |
Namibia | 64903 | Powercom (Pty) Ltd (Cell One) |
Nepal | 42901 | Nepal Mobile |
Netherlands | 20420 | Duchtone (Orange) |
Netherlands | 20408 | KPN Telecom |
Netherlands | 20404 | Libertell (Vodafone) |
Netherlands | 20402 | Tele2 |
Netherlands | 20412 | Telfort (O2) |
Netherlands | 20416 | T-Mobile (Ben) |
Netherlands Antilles | 36269 | Digicel |
Netherlands Antilles | 36291 | Setel NV (UTS Wireless Curacao) |
Netherlands Antilles | 36251 | Telcell |
New Zealand | 53024 | NZ Communications (2degrees) |
New Zealand | 53000 | Telecom New Zealand |
New Zealand | 53002 | Telecom New Zealand |
New Zealand | 53005 | Telecom New Zealand |
New Zealand | 53004 | Telstra |
New Zealand | 53001 | Vodafone New Zealand Ltd. |
Nicaragua | 71021 | Enitel |
Nicaragua | 71073 | Enitel |
Niger | 61401 | Celtel |
Nigeria | 62120 | Celtel Nigeria (Vmobile) |
Nigeria | 62150 | Globacom |
Nigeria | 62130 | Nigeria Communications Ltd (MTN) |
Norway | 24202 | Netcom |
Norway | 24205 | Network |
Norway | 24204 | Tele2 |
Norway | 24201 | Telenor Mobil |
Oman | 42203 | Nawras |
Oman | 42202 | Oman Mobile (OmanTel) |
Pakistan | 41001 | Mobilink (Pakistan Mobile) |
Pakistan | 41006 | Telenor |
Pakistan | 41003 | Ufone (Pak Telecom Mobile) |
Pakistan | 41007 | WARID Telecom |
Pakistan | 41004 | ZONG (CMPak) |
Palestine | 42505 | Palestine Telecomm Co Ltd (Jawaal) |
Panama | 71401 | Cable & Wireless |
Panama | 71404 | Digicel (Panama) S.A. |
Panama | 71420 | Telefonica |
Papua New Guinea | 53703 | Digicel (PNG) Limited |
Paraguay | 74402 | Claro (Hutchison Telecom) |
Paraguay | 74401 | Hola Paraguay S.A. (VOX) |
Paraguay | 74405 | Nucleo S.A (Personal) |
Paraguay | 74404 | Telecel S.A. |
Peru | 71610 | America Movil Peru S.A.C (CLARO PERU) |
Peru | 71606 | Movistar (Telefonica) |
Philippines | 51518 | CURE |
Philippines | 51511 | Digitel Fixed Line |
Philippines | 51513 | Digitel Fixed Line |
Philippines | 51527 | Digitel Fixed Line |
Philippines | 51530 | Digitel Fixed Line |
Philippines | 51543 | Digitel Fixed Line |
Philippines | 51584 | Digitel Fixed Line |
Philippines | 51586 | Digitel Fixed Line |
Philippines | 515752 | Digitel Fixed Line |
Philippines | 515753 | Digitel Fixed Line |
Philippines | 51505 | Digitel (Sun Cellular Mobile) |
Philippines | 51502 | Globe Telecom |
Philippines | 51501 | Islacom |
Philippines | 51503 | Smart Communications |
Poland | 26002 | Era (Heyah) |
Poland | 26003 | Orange (IDEA, Centertel) |
Poland | 26006 | P4 Sp. z o.o (PLAY) |
Poland | 26001 | Plus (Polkomtel) |
Portugal | 26803 | Optimus (Sonaecom) |
Portugal | 26801 | Telecel (Vodafone) |
Portugal | 26806 | TMN |
Puerto Rico | 33030 | Centennial Operations Corp. |
Puerto Rico | 330490 | Suncom DBA |
Qatar | 42701 | Q-Tel |
Qatar | 42702 | Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C. |
Romania | 22603 | Cosmorom (Cosmote Romanian MT S.A.) |
Romania | 22610 | Orange (MobilRom) |
Romania | 22605 | RCS & RDS DigiMobil |
Romania | 22601 | Vodafone (Connex, MobiFon) |
Russian Federation | 25099 | Beeline GSM 900/1800_ RUSSIJA |
Russian Federation | 25010 | Dontelecom |
Russian Federation | 25017 | Emark RMS |
Russian Federation | 25028 | Extel |
Russian Federation | 25012 | Far Eastern Cellular |
Russian Federation | 25013 | Kuban-GSM |
Russian Federation | 25002 | MegaFon (JSC Sonic Duo) |
Russian Federation | 25001 | Mobile TeleSysytem (MTS) |
Russian Federation | 25035 | Motiv |
Russian Federation | 25016 | New Telephone Company (NTC) |
Russian Federation | 25003 | Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Communications |
Russian Federation | 25092 | Primtelefone |
Russian Federation | 25004 | Sibchallenge |
Russian Federation | 25012 | Sibirtelecom |
Russian Federation | 25044 | StavTeleSot (North-Caucasian GSM) |
Russian Federation | 25020 | Tele2 (Oblkom) |
Russian Federation | 25039 | Uraltel |
Russian Federation | 25007 | Zao Smarts |
Rwanda | 63510 | MTN RwandaCell |
Rwanda | 63512 | RwandaTel |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | 356110 | Cable & Wireless |
Saint Lucia | 358110 | Cable & Wireless |
Samoa | 54901 | Digicel |
Saudi Arabia | 42003 | Mobily (Etihad Etisalat Company) |
Saudi Arabia | 42004 | MTC Saudi Arabia (Zain SA) |
Saudi Arabia | 42001 | Saudi Telecom |
Senegal | 60802 | Sentel |
Senegal | 60801 | Sonatel (Alize) |
Serbia | 22003 | Telecom Serbia |
Serbia | 22001 | Telenor (Mobtel) |
Serbia | 22005 | VIP |
Seychelles | 63301 | Cable & Wireless |
Seychelles | 63310 | Telecom Seychelles (Airtel) |
Sierra Leone | 61905 | Africell |
Sierra Leone | 61901 | Celtel |
Sierra Leone | 61904 | Comium |
Sierra Leone | 61902 | Millicom |
Singapore | 52503 | MobileOne |
Singapore | 52501 | SingTel |
Singapore | 52505 | StarHub |
Slovakia | 23102 | Eurotel Bratislava |
Slovakia | 23106 | O2 |
Slovakia | 23101 | Orange Slovensko |
Slovenia | 29341 | Mobitel |
Slovenia | 29340 | Si Mobil |
Slovenia | 29370 | Tusmobile |
South Africa | 65507 | Cell-C |
South Africa | 65510 | MTN |
South Africa | 65501 | Vodacom |
Spain | 21401 | Airtel (Vodafone) |
Spain | 21406 | Airtel (Vodafone) |
Spain | 21409 | Airtel (Vodafone) |
Spain | 21403 | France Telecom Espana, S.a (Amena) |
Spain | 21407 | Telefonica Moviles (Movistar) |
Spain | 21404 | Xfera Moviles |
Sri Lanka | 41305 | Bharti Airtel Lanka (Pvt) Ltd |
Sri Lanka | 41303 | Celltel(Tigo) |
Sri Lanka | 41302 | Dialog (MTN) |
Sri Lanka | 41308 | Hutchison |
Sri Lanka | 41301 | Mobitel |
Sudan | 63401 | Mobitel |
Sudan | 63402 | MTN Sudan (Bashair) |
Sudan | 63405 | Vivacell |
Suriname | 74603 | Digicel |
Suriname | 74602 | Telesur |
Swaziland | 65310 | Swazi MTN |
Sweden | 24007 | Comviq (Tele2) |
Sweden | 24002 | Hi3G |
Sweden | 24008 | Telenor (Vodafone, Europolitan) |
Sweden | 24001 | Telia |
Switzerland | 22803 | Orange |
Switzerland | 22802 | Sunrise (Diax) |
Switzerland | 22801 | Swisscom Mobile |
Syria | 41702 | MTN (Spacetel, Areeba) |
Syria | 41701 | Syratel |
Taiwan | 46611 | Chung Hwa Telecom LDM |
Taiwan | 46601 | Far EasTone Telecommunications |
Taiwan | 46688 | KG Telecom |
Taiwan | 46693 | Mobitai |
Taiwan | 46697 | Taiwan Cellular Corporation (TWNGSM) |
Taiwan | 46699 | TransAsia Telecommunications |
Taiwan | 46689 | VIBO |
Tajikistan | 43604 | Babilon Mobile |
Tajikistan | 43601 | JC Somoncom |
Tajikistan | 43603 | TT Mobile (MLT) |
Tanzania | 64005 | Celtel Tanzania Ltd |
Tanzania | 64002 | MIC Tanzania Ltd (Mobitel) |
Tanzania | 64004 | Vodacom |
Tanzania | 64003 | Zanzibar Telecom (ZANTEL) |
Thailand | 52001 | Advanced Info Service PLC (AIS GSM) |
Thailand | 52023 | Digital Phone |
Thailand | 52099 | TA Orange (True Move Company) |
Thailand | 52018 | Total Access Comms Co. (DTAC) |
Togo | 61505 | Telcel |
Togo | 61501 | Togo Cellulaire |
Trinidad and Tobago | 37413 | Digicel |
Trinidad and Tobago | 374130 | Digicel |
Trinidad and Tobago | 37401 | TSTT |
Trinidad and Tobago | 37412 | TSTT |
Trinidad and Tobago | 37420 | TSTT |
Tunisia | 60503 | Orascom Telecom Tunisie |
Tunisia | 60502 | Tunisie Telecom |
Turkey | 28603 | Aria |
Turkey | 28604 | Aycell |
Turkey | 28602 | Telsim (Vodafone) |
Turkey | 28601 | Turkcell |
Turkmenistan | 43801 | BCTI |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 376350 | Cable & Wireless |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 33850 | Mossel Digicel (TCI) |
Uganda | 64101 | Celtel Uganda Limited (Zain Uganda) |
Uganda | 64110 | MTN Uganda |
Uganda | 64111 | Uganda Telecom Ltd (UTL Telecel) |
Ukraine | 25506 | Astelit |
Ukraine | 25505 | Golden Telecom |
Ukraine | 25503 | Kyivstar |
Ukraine | 25502 | Ukrainian Radio Systems |
Ukraine | 25501 | UMC |
United Arab Emirates | 42403 | Du |
United Arab Emirates | 42402 | Etisalat |
United Kingdom | 23418 | Cloud 9 |
United Kingdom | 23404 | FMS Solutions Ltd |
United Kingdom | 23455 | Guernsey |
United Kingdom | 23414 | Hay Systems Ltd |
United Kingdom | 23420 | Hutchison 3G UK Ltd |
United Kingdom | 23475 | Inquam Telecom |
United Kingdom | 23450 | Jersey Telecom Wave |
United Kingdom | 23403 | Jersey Telenet |
United Kingdom | 23458 | Manx |
United Kingdom | 23408 | OnePhone |
United Kingdom | 23416 | Opal |
United Kingdom | 23433 | Orange |
United Kingdom | 23434 | Orange |
United Kingdom | 23412 | Railtrack |
United Kingdom | 23422 | Routo Telecom Ltd. |
United Kingdom | 23402 | Telefonica (O2) |
United Kingdom | 23410 | Telefonica (O2) |
United Kingdom | 23411 | Telefonica (O2) |
United Kingdom | 23419 | Teleware |
United Kingdom | 23430 | T-Mobile |
United Kingdom | 23431 | T-Mobile (Virgin MVNO) |
United Kingdom | 23432 | T-Mobile (Virgin MVNO) |
United Kingdom | 23401 | UK01 - Mapesbury Communications |
United Kingdom | 23415 | Vodafone |
United States of America | 310850 | Aeris Communications |
United States of America | 310640 | Airadigm Communications (Einstein Wireless) |
United States of America | 310630 | Amerilink PCS CHOICE / Texas-10LLC |
United States of America | 310380 | AT&T Mobility (Formerly AT&T Wireless "Blue") |
United States of America | 310150 | AT&T Mobility (Formerly Cingular BellSouth) |
United States of America | 310170 | AT&T Mobility (Formerly Cingular Pacific) |
United States of America | 310410 | AT&T Mobility (Formerly Cingular Genesis) |
United States of America | 310560 | AT&T Mobility (Formerly Cellular One / Dobson) |
United States of America | 311440 | Bluegrass Cellular |
United States of America | 310830 | Caprock Cellular |
United States of America | 311130 | Cell One (Amarillo) |
United States of America | 310320 | Cellular One |
United States of America | 310820 | Cellular One (South Canaan Cellular, PA) |
United States of America | 311190 | Cellular Properties |
United States of America | 311230 | Cellular South |
United States of America | 310030 | Centennial Communications |
United States of America | 311010 | Chariton Valley Communications |
United States of America | 311120 | Choice Phone |
United States of America | 310420 | Cincinnati Bell Wireless |
United States of America | 311620 | Coleman County Telecom |
United States of America | 311040 | Commnet Wireless |
United States of America | 310040 | Concho Cellular |
United States of America | 310080 | Corr Wireless Communications |
United States of America | 310016 | Cricket Communications |
United States of America | 311070 | Easterbrooke Cellular Corp |
United States of America | 311160 | Endless Mountains Wireless |
United States of America | 311060 | Farmers Cellular |
United States of America | 311210 | Farmers Cellular |
United States of America | 310910 | First Cellular Illinois |
United States of America | 310970 | Globalstar (Satellite Service) |
United States of America | 310470 | Guam Cell & Paging |
United States of America | 311100 | High Plains Wireless |
United States of America | 311340 | Illinois Valley Cellular |
United States of America | 310770 | Iowa Wireless Services |
United States of America | 311770 | Iowa Wireless Services |
United States of America | 311030 | Indigo Wireless |
United States of America | 310940 | Iris Wireless LLC |
United States of America | 310650 | Jasper Wireless Inc |
United States of America | 311090 | Long Lines Wireless LLC |
United States of America | 310690 | Keystone Wireless / Conestoga |
United States of America | 310999 | Metro PCS |
United States of America | 311000 | Mid-Tex Cellular |
United States of America | 311020 | Missouri RSA5 Partnership |
United States of America | 310570 | MTPCS LLC (Dobson / Cellular One) |
United States of America | 310600 | New Cell Inc. dba Cellcom |
United States of America | 310017 | North Sight Communications |
United States of America | 310670 | North Star |
United States of America | 310760 | Panhandle Telecommunications Systems |
United States of America | 311170 | PetroCom Maritime (Broadpoint) |
United States of America | 310100 | Plateau Wireless (New Mexico RSA4 East) |
United States of America | 310110 | PTI Pacifica |
United States of America | 310730 | SeaMobile |
United States of America | 310460 | SIMMETRY / TMP |
United States of America | 316011 | Southern Communication Services (IDEN) |
United States of America | 316010 | Sprint Nextel (IDEN network - formerly Nextel) |
United States of America | 310120 | Sprint Nextel (CDMA network - formerly Sprint) |
United States of America | 311140 | Sprocket (MBO Wireless) |
United States of America | 310900 | Taylor Telecommunications |
United States of America | 310310 | T-Mobile (Central Region - Forme Aerial) |
United States of America | 310026 | T-Mobile (Cook Inlet) |
United States of America | 310260 | T-Mobile (Denver-Colorado) |
United States of America | 310160 | T-Mobile (East Region) |
United States of America | 310250 | T-Mobile (Honolulu-H) |
United States of America | 310210 | T-Mobile (Kansas City) |
United States of America | 310220 | T-Mobile (OklahomaCity) |
United States of America | 310240 | T-Mobile (Phoenix-Arizona) |
United States of America | 310230 | T-Mobile (Salt Lake City) |
United States of America | 310200 | T-Mobile (Seattle-Washington) |
United States of America | 310490 | T-Mobile (Formerly SunCom) |
United States of America | 310270 | T-Mobile (Formerly Powertel) |
United States of America | 310890 | Unicel (Rural Cellular Corp) |
United States of America | 311300 | Unicel (Rural Cellular Corp) |
United States of America | 311580 | US Cellular |
United States of America | 310020 | Union Telephone Company (APC Sprint Spectrum) |
United States of America | 310004 | Verizon Wireless |
United States of America | 310012 | Verizon Wireless |
United States of America | 310590 | Verizon Wireless (Formerly Alltel) |
United States of America | 310013 | Verizon Wireless (Formerly Alltel) |
United States of America | 310450 | Viaero Wireless |
United States of America | 310400 | Wave Runner LLC / ICAN (Guam) |
United States of America | 310340 | Westlink Communications |
United States of America | 311050 | Wikes Cellular |
United States of America | 310950 | XIT Wireless (Texas RSA1) |
Uruguay | 74810 | AM Wireless (Claro) |
Uruguay | 74801 | ANTEL |
Uruguay | 74807 | Telefonica Moviles |
Uzbekistan | 43405 | Coscom |
Uzbekistan | 43404 | Unitel LLC (Beeline, Daewoo) |
Uzbekistan | 43407 | Uzdunrobita |
Uzbekistan | 43402 | Uzmacom |
Vanuatu | 54105 | Digicel |
Vanuatu | 54101 | Telecom Vanuatu Ltd (SMILE) |
Venezuela | 73402 | Corporacion Digitel C.A. (DIGITEL) |
Venezuela | 73404 | Telcel C.A. (Movistar) |
Venezuela | 73406 | Telecomunicaciones Movilnet C.A. |
Viet Nam | 45204 | Vietel Corporation (Viettel Mobile) |
Viet Nam | 45201 | Viet Nam Mobile Service (Mobifone) |
Viet Nam | 45202 | Viet Nam Telecoms Services (Vinaphone) |
Yemen | 42102 | Spacetel (MTN) |
Yemen | 42101 | Yemen Mobile (Sabafon) |
Zambia | 64501 | Celtel Zambia Ltd (Zain) |
Zambia | 64502 | Telecel Zambia Ltd |
Zambia | 64503 | Zamtel (Cell Z) |
Zimbabwe | 64804 | Econet |
Zimbabwe | 64801 | P + T Corporation (NET*ONE) |
Zimbabwe | 64803 | Telecel Zimbabwe |
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